Legal Stuff

Sorry, but we have some necessary legal stuff for you to read. Please read and fill out the fields at the bottom.
To the Giant Leap Rocketry customer:

Giant Leap Rocketry, Inc. has exercised reasonable care in the design and construction of our products and carefully inspects every product prior to shipment. However, since Giant Leap Rocketry cannot control the use of our products or information provided once sold, we can not and do not warrant the products or information included herewith or the performance or results obtained by using our products or information.

Our products and information are provided "AS IS". Giant Leap Rocketry, Inc. makes no warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to, non-infringement of third party rights, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose with respect to the product and any related published materials. To the extent you use or implement our products or information in your own setting, you do so at your own risk. In no event will Giant Leap Rocketry, Inc. be liable to you for any damages arising from your use or, your inability to use our products or information, including any lost or damaged property, or other incidental or consequential damages, even if Giant Leap Rocketry, Inc. has been advised of the possibility of such damages, or for any claim by another party. Remember, with lack of care, rocketry can be dangerous.

By purchasing our materials you agree to the above conditions, and agree to use our products at your own risk.

CUSTOMER: By purchasing the product, you must abide by the following safety guidelines:


The following is a condensed version of the TRIPOLI HIGH POWER SAFETY CODE. The complete code can be found in the handbooks of the organizations. For more information,


* By signing this safety code and liability waiver, I hereby attest that I have read and understood the Tripoli Rocketry Assn. Safety Code, and rules that will apply to this launch.

* I understand that the following risks exist, and that other unforeseen risks can and will sometimes occur.

* Some of the risks are bodily injury, death from impact to the participants body, burns, etc.

* I also agree to report any violations of the Tripoli Rocketry Association's safety code or any unsafe condition to the launch officials.

* I hereby certify that I have had the necessary experience and training to operate high-power rocket at my current level of expertise.

* I also agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Tripoli Rocketry Association Inc.,_______________, and land owner ________________ for my participation and or actions at this rocket launch. This also includes any bodily injury that I might incur.

The following is a condensed version of the NAR/TRA HIGH POWER SAFETY CODE. The complete code can be found in the handbooks of the organizations.

1. Only a person who is a certified flyer shall operate or fly a high power rocket.

2. Must comply with United States Code 1348, "Airspace Control and Facilities", Federal Aviation Act of 1958 and other applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations, statutes, and ordinances.

3. A person shall fly a high power rocket only if it has been inspected and approved for flight by a Safety Monitor for compliance with the applicable provisions of this code.

4: .Motors()

4.1 Use only certified commercially made rocket motors.

4.2 Do not dismantle, reload, or alter a disposable or expendable high power rocket motor, not alter the components of a reloadable high power rocket motor or use the contents of a reloadable rocket motor reloading kit for a purpose other than that specified by the manufacture in the rocket motor or reloading kit instructions.

5. A high power rocket shall be constructed to withstand the operating stresses and retain structural integrity under conditions expected or known to be encountered in flight.

6. A high power rocket vehicle intended to be propelled by one or more high power solid propellant rocket motor(s) shall be constructed using lightweight materials such as paper, wood, plastic, fiberglass, or, when necessary, ductile metal so that the rocket conforms to the other requirements of this code.

7. A person intending to operate a high power rocket shall determine its stability before flight, providing documentation of the location of the center of pressure and center of gravity of the high power rocket to the Safety Monitor, if requested.

8. Weight and Power Limits.

8.1 Ensure that the rocket weighs less than the rocket motor manufacturer's recommended maximum liftoff weight for the rocket motor(s) used for the flight. During pre-flight inspection, The Safety Monitor may request documentary proof of compliance.

8.2 Do not install a rocket motor or combination of rocket motors that will produce more than 40,960 newton-seconds of total impulse (4.448 newtons equals 1.0 pound).

9: .Recovery.

()9.1 Fly a high power rocket only if it contains a recovery system that will return all parts of it safely to the ground so that it may be flown again.

9.2 Install only flame resistant recovery wadding if wadding is required by the design of the rocket.

9.3 Do not attempt to catch a high power rocket as it approaches the ground.

9.4 Do not attempt to retrieve a high power rocket from a place that is hazardous to people.

10: .Payloads()

10.1 Do not install or incorporate in a high power rocket a payload that is intended to be flammable, explosive, or cause harm.

10.2 Do not fly a vertebrate animal in a high power rocker.

11: .Launching(Devices)

11.1 Launch from a stable device that provides rigid guidance until the rocket has reached a speed adequate to ensure a safe flight path.

11.2 Incorporate a jet deflector device if necessary to prevent the rocket motor exhaust from impinging directly on flammable materials.

11.3 A launching device shall not be capable of launching a rocket at an angle more than 20 degrees from vertical.

11.4 Place the end of the launch rod or rail above eye level or cap it to prevent accidental eye injury. Store the launch rod or rail so it is capped, cased, or left in a condition where it cannot cause injury.

12: .Ignition(Systems)

12.1 Use an ignition system that is remotely controlled, electrically operated, and contains a launching switch that will return to "off" when released.

12.2 The ignition system shall contain a removable safety interlock device in series with the launch switch.

12.3 The launch system and igniter combination shall be designed, installed, and operated so the liftoff of the rocket shall occur within three (3) seconds of actuation of the launch system. If the rocket is propelled by a cluster of rocket motors designed to be ignited simultaneously, install an ignition scheme that has either been previously tested or has a demonstrated capability of igniting all rocket motors intended for launch ignition within one second following ignition system activation.

12.4 Install an ignition device in a high power rocket motor only at the launch site and at the last practical moment before the rocket is placed on the launcher.

13: .Launch(Site.

)13.1 Launch a high power rocket only in an outdoor area where tall trees, power lines, and buildings will not present a hazard to the safe flight operation of a high power rocket in the opinion of the Safety Monitor.

13.2 Do not locate a launcher closer to the edge of the flying field (launchsite) than one-half the radius of the minimum launch site dimension stated in Table 1.

13.3 The flying field (launch site) shall be at least as large as the stated in Table 1.


Installed(Total) Impulse(N - sec) Equivalent() Motor(Type) Minimum(Site)Distance (ft.) Equivalent() Distance()
160.01 - 320.00 H() 1,500 .28 mile
320.01 - 640.0 I() 2,500 One-half mile
640.01 - 1280.00 J() 5,280 One(mile)
1280.01 - 2560.00 K() 5,280 One(mile)
2560.01 - 5120.00 L() 10,560 Two(miles)
5120.01 - 10240.00 M() 15,480 Three(miles)
10240.01 - 20480.00 N() 21,120 Four(miles)
20480.01 - 40960.00 O() 26,400 Five(miles)

14: .Launcher(Location)

14.1 Locate the launcher more than 1,500 feet from any occupied building.

14.2 Ensure that the ground for a radius of 10 feet around the launcher is clear of brown grass, dry weeds, or other easy-to-burn materials that could be ignited during launch by the exhaust of the rocket motor.

15: .Safe(Distances)

15.1 No person shall be closer to the launch of a high power rocket than the person actually launching the rocket and those authorized by the Safety Monitor.

15.2 All spectators shall remain within an area determined by the Safety Monitor and behind the Safety Monitor and the person launching the rocket.

15.3 A person shall not be closer to the launch of a high power rocket than the applicable minimum safe distance set forth in Table 2.


Installed(Total) Impulse(N - sec) Equivalent() Motor(Type) Minimum(Safe)Distance (ft.) Min. Safe Dist.(ft.) (Complex)
160.01 - 320.00 H() 50: 100:
320.01 - 640.00 I() 100: 200:
640.01 - 1280.00 J() 100: 200:
1280.01 - 2560.00 K() 200: 300:
2560.01 - 5120.00 L() 300: 500:
5120.01 - 10240.00 M() 500: 1,000
10240.01 - 20480.00 N() 1,000 1,500
20480.01 - 40960.00 O() 1,500 2,000

16. Launch Operations.

16.1 Do not ignite and launch a high power rocket horizontally, at a target, or so the rocket's flight path goes into clouds or beyond the boundaries of the flying field (launch site).

16.2 Do not launch a high power rocket if the surface wind at the launcher is more than twenty (20) miles per hour.

16.3 Do not operate a high power rocket in a manner that is hazardous to aircraft.

"17. Launch Control.

17.1 Launch a high power rocket only with the immediate knowledge, permission, and attention of the Safety Monitor.

17.2 All persons in the launching, spectator, and parking areas during a countdown and launch shall be standing and facing the launcher if requested to do so by the Safety Monitor.

17.3 Precede the launch with a five (5) second countdown audible throughout the launching, spectator, and parking areas. This countdown shall be given by the person launching the rocket, the Safety Monitor, or other flying site operating personnel.

17.4 Do not approach a high power rocket that has misfired until the safety inter-lock has been removed or the battery has been disconnected from the ignition system, one minute has passed, and the Safety Monitor has given permission for only a single person to approach the misfired rocket to inspect it.

I the undersigned understand and will at all times conduct myself with the understanding that the above stated risks and safety procedures;

(a) are not necessarily all of the risks.

(b) that even by observing the above procedures there remain RISKS OF INJURY OR DEATH from HIGH POWER ROCKETRY.

(c) that the utmost in attention and prudence must be exercised at all times.



1. Certification. I will fly high power rockets only when certified to doso by the National Association of Rocketry.

2. Operating Clearances. I will fly high power rockets only in compliancewith Federal Aviation Regulations Part 101 (Section 307, 72 Statute 749, 49 United States Code 1348, "Airspace Control and Facilities," Federal Aviation Act of 1958) and all other federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations, statutes, and ordinances.

3. Materials. My high power rocket will be made of lightweight materialssuch as paper, wood, rubber, and plastic, or the minimum amount of ductile metal suitable for the power used and the performance of my rocket.

4. Motors. I will use only commercially-made, NAR-certified rocket motorsin the manner recommended by the manufacturer. I will not alter the rocket motor, its parts, or its ingredients in any way.

5. Recovery. I will always use a recovery system in my high power rocketthat will return it safely to the ground so it may be flown again. I will use only flame-resistant recovery wadding if wadding is required by the design of my rocket.

6. Weight and Power Limits. My rocket will weigh no more than the motor manufacturer() 's recommended maximum liftoff weight for the motors used, or I will use motors recommended by the manufacturer of the rocket kit. My high power rocket will be propelled by rocket motors that produce no more than 40,960 Newton-seconds (9,204 pound-seconds) of total impulse.

7. Stability. I will check the stability of my high power rocket beforeits first flight, except when launching a rocket of already proven stability.

8. Payloads. My high power rocket will never carry live animals (exceptinsects) or a payload that is intended to be flammable, explosive, or harmful.

9. Launch Site. I will launch my high power rocket outdoors in a clearedarea, free of tall trees, power lines, buildings, and dry brush and grass. My launcher will be located at least 1,500 feet from any occupied building. My launch site will have minimum dimensions at least as great as those in the Launch Site Dimension Table. As an alternative, the site's minimum dimension will be one-half the maximum altitude of any rocket being flown, or 1,500 feet, whichever is greater. My launcher will be no closer to the edge of the launch site than one-half of the minimum required launch site dimension.

10. Launcher. I will launch my high power rocket from a stable launchdevice that provides rigid guidance until the rocket has reached a speed adequate to ensure a safe flight path. To prevent accidental eye injury, I will always place the launcher so the end of the rod is above eye level or I will cap the end of the rod when approaching it. I will cap or disassemble my launch rod when not in use and I will never store it in an upright position. My launcher will have a jet deflector device to prevent the motor exhaust from hitting the ground directly. I will always clear the area for a radius of ten feet around my launch device of brown grass, dry weeds, or other easy-to-burn materials.

11. Ignition System. The system I use to launch my high power rocket willbe remotely controlled and electrically operated. It will contain a launching switch that will return to "off" when released. The system will contain a removable safety interlock in series with the launch switch. All persons will remain at a distance from the high power rocket and launcher as determined by the total impulse of the installed rocket motor(s) according to the accompanying Safe Distance Table.

12. Launch Safety. I will ensure that people in the launch area are awareof the pending high power rocket launch and can see the rocket's liftoff before I begin my audible five-second countdown. I will use only electrical igniters recommended by the motor manufacturer that will ignite rocket motors within one second of actuation of the launching switch. If my high power rocket suffers a misfire, I will not allow anyone to approach it or the launcher until I have made certain that the safety interlock has been removed or that the battery has been disconnected from the ignition system. I will wait one minute after a misfire before allowing anyone to approach the launcher.

13. Flying Conditions. I will launch my high power rocket only when thewind is no more than 20 miles per hour and under conditions where the rocket will not fly into clouds or when a flight might be hazardous to people, property, or flying aircraft. Prior to launch, I will verify that no aircraft appear to have flight paths over the launch site.

14. Pre-Launch Test. When conducting research activities with unprovendesigns or methods I will, when possible, determine the reliability of my high power rocket by pre-launch tests. I will conduct the launching of an unproven design in complete isolation from persons not participating in the actual launching.

15. Launch Angle. I will not launch my high power rocket so its flightpath will carry it against a target. My launch device will be pointed within 20 degrees of vertical. I will never use rocket motors to propel any device horizontally.

16. Recovery Hazards. If a high power rocket becomes entangled in a powerline or other dangerous place, I will not attempt to retrieve it. I will not attempt to catch my high-power rocket as it approaches the ground.



Total Impulse All Engines (Newton-Seconds) Equivalent Motor Type Minimum Site Dimensions (ft.) Equivalent(Dimensions)
160.01 -- 320.00 H 1,500  
320.01 -- 640.00 I 2,500 Half mile
640.01 -- 1,280.00 J 5,280 One mile
1,280.01 -- 2,560.00 K 5,280 One mile
2,560.01 -- 5,120.00 L 10,560 Two miles
5,120.01 -- 10,240.00 M 15,840 Three miles
10,240.01 -- 20,480.00 N 21,120 Four miles
20,480.01 -- 40,960.00 O 26,400 Five miles



Total Impulse All Engines (Newton-Seconds) Equivalent Motor Type Minimum Distance From Rocket With Single Motor (ft.) Minimum Distance From Rocket With Multiple Motors (ft.)
160.01 -- 320.00 H 100 200
320.01 -- 640.00 I 100 200
640.01 -- 1,280.00 J 100 200
1,280.01 -- 2,560.00 K 200 300
2,560.01 -- 5,120.00 L 300 500
5,120.01 -- 10,240.00 M 500 1,000
10,240.01 -- 20,480.00 N 1,000 1,500
20,480.01 -- 40,960.00 O 1,500 2,000


(1) Assume all of the risks, damages, injury, or even death.
(2) Assume the obligation to exercise the utmost care in pursuit of my activities at this event.
(3) Will make no claim against the landowner.
(4) If I am purchasing motors I must be over 18 years old. Giant Leap Rocketry cannot be held responsible for the failure of participants to abide by the safety code, rules, and regulations, etc.