High Power Rocketry Extreme Launch Rail

Extreme Rail Launch Systems (2 types)

  • $84.49
    Unit price per 

Standard Extreme Launch Rail

Similar to Blacksky rail, but...

  • Stronger:The Extreme Rail is 1" by 1" thick (compared to 1/2" by 1/2").
  • Easier to use:The extreme Rail is a single piece 6 feet long - not a series of 2 foot sections.
  • Sturdier:It has a 1/2" rod mount (compared to 3/8") and a heavy channel to mount to any pad that accepts a 1/2" rod.
  • Safer:Because of its smooth single-piece design, there's no chance of binding a rocket like there is on rails that are sectioned together.
  • More Convenient:The Extreme Rail has one channel on each of its four sides! So, if one channel is plugged with residue, you don't have to stop and clean out the rail in the middle of launch day. Just use another channel (or another, or another...) until its convenient to clean the whole rail.
  • Compatible:It is compatible with Blacksky rail guides. So, if you've installed the Black Sky guides on your rocket, you're good to go! If you need compatible rail guides, look for our GLR Acme Conformal Rail Guides or our Airfoil Rail Buttons. Both excellent choices!
  • Cool:We know, looks don’t matter to you. But just in case...this is one incredible looking rail!

 Okay, Blacksky comes up short by comparison! You have come to expect the very best in High Power rocketry parts from Giant Leap and this launch rail fits the bill. Our Extreme Launch Rail is the Best!

 Tech Tip: Teflon® spray prior to use makes post-launch cleanup a breeze.

 Heavy Extreme Launch Rail

Standard size rail slots, but for heavier rockets!

Tested to 70 LBS. This accepts the same standard sized rail guides as the standard extreme above (and the blacksky rail guides), but is 10 feet long, and comes with a strong reinforcing spine for extra strength. Fits on any pad that takes a 1/2" rod. I used this rail on my 55 lbs hybrid level-3 project.

The Heavy Extreme uses the same rail guides as on the standard extreme, but it is meant for heavy rockets. The Big Extreme rails are used all over the launch range. Ask around it is what clubs and major launches use.

NOTE: For shipping and transportation purposes, the 10 long Heavy Extreme Rail is made up of a 6’ and 4’ section of rail, reinforced with an 8’ long heavy spine.